Hi.  I’m Colette.  I am the mom of a teenage son with autism.

When my son was diagnosed 5 million eons ago I was the mom that did everything.  I was in the GRIND people!   Therapies, IEPS, DR appointments, 12 supplements 3x a day.  B-12 shots in the butt while he slept.  Hyperbaric, Hippotherapy, Chelation….I think I even stood on my head and swallowed a snake at one point but to be honest it’s pretty much all a blur.

It was a never-ending pile of demands and obligations.  And it all landed on me.

What happened?  I got buried.  Overwhelm, guilt, worry, fear, stress, sorrow….it smothered my battered little soul and sucked the life force right out of me.

Then I discovered something glorious.  Self-Compassion.

Compassion Confetti.  It’s like pixie dust.  Sprinkle it all over your life.  Suddenly there are magical pockets of peace and ease.  Love and support, forgiveness, and REST start to make appearances in your life.  Can you imagine?!?!

You deserve gentle and tender support to be a part of your day.  You deserve a softness to take the edge of the never-ending obligations.

And that is what self-compassion will give you.

I know you have a lot on your plate.

I will never challenge you to do more than you can handle.  You can work to squeeze your self-compassion practice into 3 minutes here, 20 minutes there…etc. Done is better than perfect so just throw it in somewhere.  The best part is there are skills to use smack dab in the chaos that can exist in your loud and messy life.

Finally, let me clarify something….  I am not here for your beloved with autism. No. I am here to make sure you are getting the all the nurturing and nourishment YOU need to flourish.  Confetti is used in celebration.  And you deserve to be celebrated.

So, Compassion Confetti.  Sprinkle that shit all over yourself.


  • Teacher in Training - Center for Mindful Self-Compassion

  • Certified Life Coach

  • Certified Teacher - Elementary Education

  • Host of the podcast: Compassion Confetti


We deserve to be nurtured and nourished.

We deserve gentle and tender support.

We deserve a softness in our lives to the endless responsibilities.

and that gift is Self-Compassion.


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