Let me explain…


Welcome to The Compassion Confetti for Autism Moms Podcast with Colette Evangelista

Autism moms often face the challenge of being overwhelmed by the uncertainty and unpredictability of their child’s condition. However, the challenges that autism moms face are not the same for all. We should acknowledge that autism is a spectrum with different levels of severity. The “Compassion Confetti for Autism Moms” podcast is meant to be a community where we share our experiences and wisdom to reinforce that we are not alone as we face the stress, demands, and obligations of a life influenced by autism.

Welcome to the first episode of the “Compassion Confetti for Autism Moms” podcast with your host, Colette Evangelista. In this episode. Colette shares why she started this podcast and what she hopes to achieve with it.

Additionally, Colette shares how her son got diagnosed with autism and how she ended up with depression & anxiety while caring for her son. Moreover, she discusses the three components of self-compassion and the benefits that come with practicing self-compassion. Compassion confetti is like pixie dust. Sprinkle it all over your life.


Tune in!

During this episode, you will learn about;

[00:01] Introduction to the show

[01:22] Why Colette started Compassion Confetti for Autism Moms podcast

[02:14] What she hopes to achieve with this podcast

[04:37] How her son got diagnosed with autism

[08:16] Colette’s response to her son’s autism diagnosis

[09:44] How she ended up with depression & anxiety while caring for her son

[13:17] The three components of self-compassion and how to practice it

[13:51] #1 Loving-kindness

[14:15] #2 Mindfulness

[14:43] #3 Common Humanity

[15:27] Benefits of self-compassion

[21:15] How to connect with Colette Evangelista


Notable Quotes

●      “It’s ok to be imperfect.” [18:33]


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Catch up with Autism with a side of Fries Eileen