Self-care Tips for Autism Caregivers

In this episode, I talk all about my healing journey.  I discuss how I went from just surviving to learn how to thrive.  I discuss all of the strategies I practice that help me improve how I meet my own needs with gentle kindness and tender loving support.  Being an autism mom and caregiver involves big emotions and challenging situations.  I try to practice these with loving kindness, soothing tools like meditation and mindfulness, and remembering I have a wild, beautiful, chaotic pile of people out there who know my heart and life.  Autism life is a loud and colorful one!  And we can flourish and celebrate it.

Throw that Compassion Confetti everywhere, my LOVIES!!!!


1:30 The episode is about how you transition from hurting to healing as we learn to manage a life that has autism to color it.

4:34 The story we tell ourselves: What are you focusing on?  Is my story hurting me or helping?  Rescripting the story if needed

7:43 The grind and how it can negatively impact you.  You thrive; everyone thrives

8:09 Grace to not be perfect.  Going to bed with a sense of peace and ease, not anxiety and fear

8:38 Allowing others to help, surrender, and let go to get rest and respite

10:37 Acceptance of our story, child, and ourselves…what can I really give today? 

11:30 Looking for and focusing on the good in the chaos

13:58 Journey from diagnosis to balanced acceptance-pace yourself

15:24 What I wish I would have known to save so much sadness/worry/pain/anxiety  Have faith

18:40 Comparisons:  Focus on you and your child.  Come from a place of love and what works best for you

19:51 Holiday story: Adjust expectations for success and problem-solve to recalibrate and pivot

22:26 Partnerships: the challenges and my insight hindsight being 20/20

25:11 When you are doing it all on your own….supporting and caring and loving yourself

25:56 Understanding self-care:  where do you start when you are used to just caring for everyone else

27:01 Am I in Fight or Flight?  Responding in kind

29:49 How do you manage the big scary emotions and challenging experiences that autism caregivers and moms have

31:26 Catching your inner voice?  Is it loving or critical?  Practice it being more supportive

32:30 The tangible practices to develop self-love/care and support  Meditation/Mindfulness/Loving Kindness

33:05 Meditation/Mindfulness: A fluid practice to experiment with time and types

36:17  Alternative Emotional Healing: somatic healing-emotions trapped in your body- EFT tapping vagal exercises

38:49 Self-Regulation:  big emotions and situations and how we stay balanced   It’s a practice

42:09 Common Humanity: how connecting and recognizing people have the same experience makes it hurt less

44:13 REST  learn to REST  YES  I SAID REST  You CAN do it

48:17 Allow messiness and imperfection- 65% good enough parent

49:19 My current practices are for self-compassion and self-care/love/support


The Autism Supermom


The Autism Dad with Rob Gorski