Self-Compassion Basics

Hey Lovies.


In this episode of Compassion Confetti for Autism Moms, I introduce you to the 3 main components of self-compassion. The basics, if you will.

Self-compassion, when meeting challenging situations with kindness and presence, can help dysregulate the “threat” response and help move us into a place of nurturing comfort. And this practice in the long run, will soften intense feelings like anxiety and fear and encourage and foster feelings of goodwill and contentment.

Drawing a lot of content from the book The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook by Kristen Neff, PhD and Christopher Germer, Ph.D., we break down what loving-kindness, mindfulness, and common humanity are.

Finally, I share 2 easy-shmeasy practical techniques that take no time at all and are a fantastic way to offer yourself loving support while you are smack dab in the middle of a HARD.



[01:31] About Kristin Neff & her husband, Christopher Germer

[03:15] Introducing today’s topic

[04:38] What self-compassion brings to us

[07:15] Kristin's experience with her son Rowan

[09:15] Three main components of self-compassion

[15:46] Two techniques to activate your care response systems

[19:59] Simple exercise to breathe out your anxiety, fear or sorrows

Notable Quotes

  • “When external life circumstances are challenging and feel too difficult to bear, we actively soothe & comfort ourselves.” (10:13-10:23)

  • “When we remember pain is part of the shared human experience, every moment of suffering is transformed into a moment of connection with others. The pain I feel at difficult times is the same pain you feel at difficult times.” (11:39-11:50)

  • “When we mindfully observe our pain, we acknowledge our suffering without exaggerating, which allows us a wider and more objective perspective on ourselves & our lives.” (13:50-14:00)

  • “When the care response is activated, and oxytocin & endorphins are released, it can help reduce stress & increase feelings of safety and security.” (15:18-15:25)


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She is Fairy Funny and Wise Mary Fairy BoBerry